About Us
Welcome to Sharefax Credit Union
Sharefax was founded by Ford Motor Company employees of Cincinnati, Ohio in 1960. Named in honor of the Sharonville Ford plant and the Fairfax (no longer in operation) Ford plant, Sharefax was born! As the years have passed, we have grown to serve over 33,500 members from twelve counties. This includes; Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Fayette, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, Montgomery, Preble and Warren as well as over 400 companies and organizations throughout the Greater Cincinnati area. To serve our members we have six locations, a number of electronic services and have partnered with the Shared Branch network. This allows our members access to their account no matter where life takes them.
Sharefax Credit Union funds are insured through NCUA
Credit unions are federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). NCUA is a federal agency that insures savings in Federal and most State chartered credit unions across the country. The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. All deposits are federally insured up to at least $250,000.
Learn more about NCUA & your share coverage.
Watch Our NCUA Video Tutorial

Who is eligible to join?
Anyone who lives or works in Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Fayette, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, Montgomery, Preble and Warren Counties is eligible for membership. Sharefax also offers financial benefits to the employees of over 400 local companies and organizations.
Sharefax’s Mission
“Sharefax Credit Union is a cooperative formed for the sole purpose of improving the financial well being of our members.”
Why a Credit Union?
Credit unions are non-profit cooperative financial institutions that are owned by their members, and directed by volunteer board members. Credit unions offer most of the services you find at your local bank such as mortgages, commercial loans, checking, internet banking and investment options. Credit unions generally offer better rates on savings and loans than your local bank because their focus is on quality service and products, not on maximizing returns to their stockholders. The mission of a credit union is to improve the financial well-being of our members. Earnings are returned to members through lower interest rates, higher dividends on savings and certificates, and little or no service fees. Banks, however, are owned and operated with the sole goal of making money for stockholders. Profits are channeled into dividend payments to investors, not the customer.
Credit Union funds are insured through NCUA
Credit unions are federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). NCUA is a federal agency that insures savings in Federal and most State chartered credit unions across the country. The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.
The Credit Union Advantage
What are some advantages of joining a credit union? In addition to better rates and lower fees, at a credit union you have the opportunity to help make decisions and policies that affect the entire membership. Each year, Sharefax asks for nominations to our Board of Directors. From those nominations, directors are elected at our Annual Meeting. These Directors represent the general membership in establishing the policies of the credit union throughout the year.
SCU Board of Directors
David Aaronson
Mark Fox
Charles Hertlein
Deborah Johnson
Dennis Messer
Daniel Murphy
Susan Ochs
Tyrone Ugarte