Have you built your nest egg yet? Have you started to consider what you’d like your lifestyle to be after retirement?
These are important questions to address when thinking about retirement and your future. Sharefax Credit Union can help you save for whatever plans you have after retirement.
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) are a great option to help save and provide potential tax advantages. We offer Traditional and ROTH IRAs for your convenience.
Does your employer offer any retirement options such as a 401(k), 457 or 403(b) plan? If your employer offers you a retirement plan, you need to consider taking advantage of this opportunity and make recurring contributions. Many organizations will even match the amount you contribute. You should always try to contribute the maximum allowable amount.
Don’t forget you can easily save for retirement goals by having your pay checks, or other recurring payments, electronically deposited into your Sharefax Credit Union account, including your IRA account.
Interested in additional investment options? Sharefax Financial Services is our in-house financial planning group. As a member you are free to utilize their expertise. You can reach them at (513) 753-2440, option #5.