Savings Certificates Rates

Savings Certificates

Rates are subject to change. Please check with a Member Service Representative.

Updated 10/28/2024Min.RateAPYSilverAPYGoldAPY
3 Months$5002.96%3.00%3.15%3.20%3.20%3.25%
6 Months$5003.20%3.25%3.40%3.45% 3.44%3.50%
11 Months - No Penalty$10,000 3.93%4.00%
12 Months$5003.78%3.85%3.98%4.05%4.02%4.10%
15 Months$5003.69%3.75%3.88%3.95%3.93%4.00%
2 Years$5003.59%3.65%3.78%3.85%3.83%3.90%
3 Years*$5003.49%3.55%3.69%3.75%3.73%3.80%
4 Years*$500 3.40%3.45% 3.59%3.65%3.64%3.70%
5 Years$500 3.30%3.35%3.49%3.55%3.54%3.60%
80 Month$15,0003.20%3.25%3.40%3.45% 3.44%3.50%
Prime Advantage 18 Months$5004.50% below Prime Rate (cannot decrease ONLY rises)

Regular Certificate APY reflects $500 minimum deposit.

Business Benefits members do not qualify for Silver/Gold Savings Certificate rates.